Totally unawares, Saverio, a teacher and Mario, a janitor of the same school in which they both work, travel back in time and find themselves in central Italy at the end of the 15th century. They carry with them an unresolved squabble concerning Saverio’s sister, creating a lot of tension between the two, which will increase in the plot. From this moment on they will have to come to grips with the grotesque situation they find themselves in, trying to "hitch a lift" back to the future in a most outlandish way, using and misusing their foresight of the events taking place round that time, and generally making fools of themselves in the eyes of "normal" renaissance folks. Their meeting with Leonardo da Vinci is hysterical, when they become more and more convinced that the genius is in reality a moron. Another character they meet is Savonarola the heretic, who enjoins them to repent, before he is taken to the stake, eliciting some breezy comment from them. If it weren’t for a weird kind of homesickness, they would quite enjoy living in this period, full of daring fashions and tantalising damsels. The couple shows great chemistry and is funny in every respect. The psychology of their characters is complex and credible - for once comical roles with a depth. Basically, Saverio is an embittered petit-bourgeois forever attracted and rejected by women, envious of Mario, an easy-going proletarian every woman falls in love with. Saverio is scheming, mean and vindictive as much as Mario is naive, generous and forgiving. What a match of talents: Roberto Benigni and Massimo Troisi at the peak of combined creativity. Too bad they will never come back together for another joint venture. Or maybe it is better this way: masterpieces of this level cannot be improved on, at best they can be imitated. For this reason Non ci resta che piangere will shine like a gem in the crown of the best Italian movies of all times. Sadly not many people seem to have seen it, not even in Italy, where the viewers do not need subtitles to enjoy the hilarious juggling of the two actors with the language, but their body language can be universally appreciated. If you miss it you will have to repent!
《愛情來的時候2》,是由香港電視廣播有限公司製作的時裝愛情音樂微電影,共有兩個獨立單元(分別為德國篇及臺灣篇),並定於2016年5月28日在myTV SUPER中上架。此外,微電影亦將於2016年5月23日在九龍灣展貿徑一號國際展貿中心地下中央廣場星影匯1號影院舉行myTV SUPER《愛情來的時候2》首映禮兼優先場,一眾主演包括佘詩曼、馬國明、黃翠如、周柏豪及黃浩然等盛裝出席,並由紅地毯隆重進場,將德國及台灣的浪漫感覺延續到活動現場,並親述浪漫動人的故事情節,令現場粉絲沉醉於一片充滿愛及浪漫的氣氛當中。而其中由佘詩曼及馬國明主演的《愛情來的時候2 德國篇》亦得到銀聯冠名呈獻。
九岁的小女孩玛丽(艾丽·范宁 Elle Fanning 饰)拥有锦衣玉食的生活,却缺乏父母的陪伴。圣诞节前夜,玛丽收到了叔叔送来的一份珍贵礼物——一个装木偶的小房子和一只胡桃夹子。喜出望外的玛丽将胡桃夹子视作自己的知心伙伴,竟意外地发现它会说话,并声称自己名叫NC(查理·罗 Charlie Rowe 饰),是玩具王国的王子,然而在一场噩梦中,美好的王国被凶残的鼠王(约翰·特托罗 John Turturro 饰)占领了,他还将王子变成一只木偶永远驱逐出境,只有找到真正相信童话的人才能解除咒语。在雪仙子(朱莉娅·维斯托斯卡亚 Yuliya Vysotskaya 饰)的指引下,玛丽帮NC恢复了肉身,并勇敢地答应与他一起回王国打败鼠王,解放子民。然而,这两个毫无武力只有一颗纯真之心的孩子,能否对抗整支血腥残暴的老鼠大军和卑鄙狡猾的鼠王呢? 片中歌曲多数改编自...
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