冷战初期,纽约律师詹姆斯·多诺万(汤姆·汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰),为苏联情报员鲁道夫·阿贝尔(马克·里朗斯 Mark Rylance 饰)辩护,当时美苏关系紧张,詹姆斯仍然秉持公平正义的原则,毫不偏私地为阿贝尔抗辩,阿尔贝欣赏他的正直,他也欣赏阿贝尔的忠诚,虽然最后输了官司,两人却建立起微妙的情谊。不久之后,美军U2高空侦察机在执行机密任务时,被苏联军方击落,詹姆斯受雇于中情局,代表美方与苏联谈判,试图在极其渺茫的机会中,与苏联交涉换囚条件,营救被劫持的美国飞行员。 影片根据美国律师詹姆斯·多诺万真实经历改编。
A police inspector Dusan investigates an unusual case, the death of Marjan Ozim. The inspector develops an obsession with the case, especially when he realizes it was suicide. He starts to live in the deceased's apartment, digging through his life, getting involved with people Marjan Ozim knew, gradually taking over his identity. As the story progress, the reasons for the inspector's obsession are revealed step by step. One of them is death of his daughter Eva, who died in a car accident, when Dusan was driving the car. His ex-wife blames him for theirs daughter's death in the accident, which took place on the very same bridge where Marjan Ozim committed suicide. From time to time, Dusan returns to the bridge, the location of both accidents, where he looks down into the abyss below, perhaps considering taking his own life. Dusan develops an unusual relationship with Marjan's former secret lover Milena. He finds out that she blames herself for Marjan's death, because she left him to return to her family. Eventually she discovers that Marjan had other lovers while he was seeing her. This beautiful, somewhat mysterious woman enraptures Dusan as well. The dividing line between inspector Dusan's and the Marjan Ozim's life is slowly disappearing. Once, in a surge of passion, Dusan and Milena make love in the Marjan's apartment, with Dusan ?in the role? of Marjan. As the moment of passion fades, this brief relationship also turns out to be just another blind alley for Dusan. By the end of the film, it becomes uncertain whether Dusan is even investigating the suicide of Marjan Ozim, or actually his own. A film that starts as a police thriller and then continues as an intimate thriller. Film where death is waiting to happen.
丽芳(王小凤 饰)与丽琼(郭锦恩 饰)是一对情同手足的姐妹,两人从内地远赴香港,投靠亲戚。在途中,姐妹两人遭遇了劫匪,所幸有名叫佩玲(利智 饰)的女孩勇敢地出手相助,才得以脱险。在丽芳和丽琼的游说下,佩玲决定跟她们一同赴港。 在香港,亲戚家的女儿小娟(刘嘉玲 饰)成为了三个姑娘的好友,四人时常一同行动,成为一道亮丽的风景。之后,四人均邂逅了令她们感到心动的男人,但都没有迎来圆满的结局。佩玲陪伴丽芳前往澳门,两人没有想到的是,她们竟然同时爱上了名叫振宇(尔冬升 饰)的男子,面对这矛盾的局面,佩玲决定将爱人拱手相让。
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