Season 4, Episode 1: Fun Run Original Air Date—27 September 2007 Michael accidentally runs over Meridith in the parking lot, and his guilt causes him to organize a 5-K run for her. Dwight and Angela have a falling-out after he kills her cat, and the Jim and Pam's relationship is discovered. Season 4, Episode 2: Dunder Mifflin Infinity Original Air Date—4 October 2007 Michael feels threatened when Ryan returns to the Scranton office to share his ideas about the future of Dunder Mifflin. Jim and Pam's relationship is shared with the entire office, while Angela and Dwight's relationship is on the rocks. Season 4, Episode 3: Launch Party Original Air Date—11 October 2007 The Dunder Mifflin Infinity website is launching and Michael is excited about going to the big launch party in New York while Angela plans a satellite party for the Scranton branch. Meanwhile, Dwight competes against the website to see who can sell the most paper in one day. Season 4, Episode 4: Money Original Air Date—18 October 2007 As Jan renovates the condo, Michael confronts his growing debt every way he can, which includes pressuring his employees for a loan. Pam and Jim spend a night out on Dwight's family farm, now a bed and breakfast. Season 4, Episode 5: Local Ad Original Air Date—25 October 2007 Michael tries to make a local Dunder Mifflin commercial that is better than the one the professional ad agency made for them. Meanwhile, Andy tries to confide in Dwight about his new relationship with Angela. Season 4, Episode 6: Branch Wars Original Air Date—1 November 2007 Michael and Dwight try to play a prank on Karen, who is now manager of the Utica branch, after she tries to steal Stanley from the Scranton office. Meanwhile, Pam, Toby, and Oscar start their own exclusive office book club. Season 4, Episode 7: Survivor Man Original Air Date—8 November 2007 After Michael isn't invited to a camping trip with Ryan, he sets out to prove that he can brave it out in the wilderness by himself. Jim, who is in charge of the office while Michael is gone, tries to change the birthday party policy. Season 4, Episode 8: The Deposition Original Air Date—15 November 2007 Michael is put in an awkward position when Jan sues Dunder-Mifflin for wrongful termination and he is deposed as a witness. Meanwhile, Kelly begins smack talking Pam after Darryl beats Jim at ping pong. Season 4, Episode 9: Dinner Party Original Air Date—10 April 2008 Michael invites Jim and Pam and Andy and Angela to a couples-only dinner party, which makes Dwight very jealous. However, the only thing he's missing is a ringside seat to witness Michael and Jan's extremely dysfunctional home life. Season 4, Episode 10: Chair Model Original Air Date—17 April 2008 Kevin and Andy team up to reclaim the stolen Dunder-Mifflin parking spaces, which forces them into a showdown with the other five bosses of the office park. Meanwhile, Michael becomes fascinated by a women modeling chairs in a catalog. Season 4, Episode 11: Night Out Original Air Date—24 April 2008 Michael and Dwight to to New York to party with Ryan, who is having lots of personal and professional problems. The rest of the office employees work late, and wind up getting locked in the business park. Season 4, Episode 12: Did I Stutter? Original Air Date—1 May 2008 Michael tries to figure out how to respond to Stanley's insubordination during a meeting, and Dwight buys Andy's vehicle and immediately flips it for more money. Season 4, Episode 13: Job Fair Original Air Date—8 May 2008 Dunder-Mifflin participates in a high school job fair, but few students are interested. Jim, Andy, and Kevin play a round of golf with a prospective client. Back at the office, everyone but Dwight and Angela leave for the day. Season 4, Episode 14: Goodbye, Toby Original Air Date—15 May 2008 Michael throws an extravagant going-away party for Toby, and falls in love with the woman who is replacing him. Jim plans to propose to Pam at the party, but gets out-staged. Back at corporate, Ryan is arrested for fraud.
随着新时代的来临,曾一度显赫的京都蒔冈家慢慢开始衰败,而家中的四个女儿却仍是城中一道美丽的风景。大姐鹤子(岸恵子 饰)固守祖屋,时刻维护着家族的声誉;二姐幸子(佐久间良子 饰)性格刚烈强势,使得上门女婿贞之助(石坂浩二 饰)相形见绌;老三雪子(吉永小百合 饰)温柔贤淑,然对于自己的婚事却总迟迟未决;老四妙子(古手川祐子 饰)个性张扬开放,是一个比较西化的女孩。
某天,一场荒诞离奇并且看不见硝烟的战争,在不起眼的森见町和舞坂町之间悄然展开。战争期间,人们各行其事,生活有序,似乎并未受到任何打扰。只有报纸角落里的宣战决定和每日阵亡的人数,似在证明战争确是进行着的。 供职于蓝天旅行社的小职员北原修路(江口洋介 饰)某天接到一同神秘的电话,对方自称是舞坂町战争推进委员会的香西瑞希(原田知世 饰)。她代表委员会任命北原为战时特别侦查员,只因他上班的路线刚好穿越“敌国”森见町。万般无奈的北原只好接受这个荒唐的任务,侦查过程中,他和冷冰冰的香西逐渐熟捻,并为之所吸引。某晚命令再次传来,他必须和香西假扮夫妇,深入森见町搜集情报…… 根据作家三崎亚纪同名获奖小说改编。
我爱你,愿赴千里,我想你,即刻出发。 电影改编自迟子建小说《踏着月光的行板》,讲述了一对新婚燕尔的恩爱小夫妻林秀珊(张子枫 饰)、王锐(胡先煦 饰),因工作分居两地,见面十分不易。一个惊喜假期来袭,他们踏上了一段双向奔赴的纯爱之旅,列车行驶于黑暗中,两人欣喜地期待着黎明。途中他们遇见了形形色色的乘客,见证了人生百态,也领略了爱情的真谛。疲惫的一天过去,月亮高挂时,他俩是否实现了小小的心愿?
该剧主要讲述了 1914年,唐德号远洋途中,遭遇海盗,二副白竹声奋力救下英国人肯特与孤女陈小熙,却不知一切都是大副厉英骘等人为了谋财害命而策划。幸存的白竹声却诬陷为海盗同谋,构陷入狱,导致家破人亡,未婚妻邢悦秋也离他而去的故事。
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