艾拉(安妮•海瑟薇 饰)出生与一个色彩斑斓的奇幻世界中,每个在这里出生的孩子都会得到仙女的“礼物”。而可爱的艾拉得到的“礼物”是服从。自此,无论是多苛刻的要求,只要一声命令,艾拉便会一一照办。艾拉母亲去世前便叮嘱她以后要用自己内心的真实信念去抗行咒语,而且必须找到下咒语的魔女才能完全解除咒语。此时的艾拉已经饱受继母及继母女儿的折磨,而她告诉自己必须要找到当年的魔女。 但一切进行得并不顺利,而在一个偶然的机会中,她认识了英俊的王子查尔。自小父母便离世的查尔十分听从叔叔的话。艾拉跟王子很快便坠入了爱河,当回到城堡的时候,艾拉发现了查尔叔叔的秘密,而且她身上的咒语更受到了查尔叔叔的利用……
15年前,阿龙(李璨琛饰)父因母亲珊姐(吕珊饰)烂赌向大耳窿借还债,导致意外车祸死亡,因此阿龙及妹妹雯雯(吴俐璇饰)非常痛恨母亲,但阿龙为雯雯之生计及保护家人,投靠天神(林雪饰)阿窿集团,开始他的阿窿生涯。 阿龙鼓励雯雯考警察部队,但因阿龙的职业背景,令雯雯承受压力,导致兄妹俩感情破裂,最后雯雯更离开警察学院。
1995年,由马特•巴恩斯中尉(沙利文·斯特普尔顿 Sullivan Stapleton 饰)领衔的海豹突击队五人小队前往萨拉热窝进行一次对当地军阀头目进行绑架的英美联合行动。任务顺利完成后,小队队员之一的斯坦顿•贝克(查理·比尤利 Charlie Bewley 饰)在机缘巧合之下从女友劳拉(西尔维娅·侯克斯 Sylvia Hoeks 饰)口中得知了在当地的一处大湖的湖底沉淀着27吨纳粹遗留的黄金。劳拉希望得到黄金,用一半来救助自己的国家,另一半当作小队的酬劳。马特欣然接受了这个提议,但正当他们即将开始行动之时,满腔怒火的军阀头目副手彼得罗维奇(克雷蒙斯·施伊克 Clemens Schick 饰)也正酝酿着自己的复仇计划......
A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner demons of a violent past, the underworld's retribution on his last connection to humanity, a daughter and grandchild leads to a descent of fury and violence that not even the brutality of gangland is prepared for.
A film adaptation of a play made by a high school drama club, directed by Yamashita Nobuhiro of Linda Linda Linda (2006). It’s essentially a coming-of-age film about teenagers made by teenagers. During summer vacation, at a high school, the PE teacher makes female students who skipped his class clean the outdoor swimming pool. The drained pool is full of sand blown in from a nearby baseball field, and the task of scooping up the sand and putting it in buckets seems meaningless. Chizuru, who used to be unbeatable in the swim club in middle school even against boys, practices imaginary swimming in the sand-filled pool, while Kokoro, who is serious about cultivating her feminine charm by diligently applying makeup, doesn’t care about cleaning. With their own stories, Miku, who diligently practices dance moves typically performed by men, and Yui, who was the swim club captain last year, and the other girls meet and converse on the pool floor under the summer sun, where unexpected conflicts arise and resolve in unexpected ways. Through a few hours in a day at a high school, the film interestingly shows the sensibilities and desires, dreams and hopes, anger and frustration of that time.
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