一个先天没有知觉,挨揍不疼却冒充高手的小混混(卢正雨 饰),一个人称女张飞的暴力少女(郭采洁 饰),一个醉心于织毛衣的过气大师(范伟 饰),一个只会做黑暗料理的美食大亨(蔡国庆 饰),一个可以用汤操纵情绪的当代孟婆(陈冲 饰),一个身患强迫症的日本武士(仓田保昭 饰),为了一本失传的秘笈,引发了一场绝世高手的爆笑对决。
历史系大二学生赵坡(郭晓然 饰)是一个出身贫寒的男孩,他诚实善良、内向羞涩,周围的同学除了高干军队子弟就是来自富商海归的家庭,与他们比起来,赵坡俨然是一只寒酸可怜的丑小鸭。偶然的机会,他结识了发廊洗头妹甘秀(霍思燕 饰),这是一个出淤泥而不染的清纯女孩,为了养活智障的弟弟辛苦赚钱。某天,赵坡带着甘秀和同乡何昌兴(赵志刚 饰)、杜永庆(唐以诺 饰)外出游玩。但是却目睹两名同乡兽性大发,玷污了甘秀。在此之后,甘秀从赵坡的生活中彻底消失,他四处寻找,似乎进入了一个扑朔迷离的世界…… 本片荣获第13届上海国际电影节传媒大奖最佳导演奖和最佳新人奖。
十几年前,一个来自中国的英语老师在世界人民面前夸下海口,没有人相信。 而如今,这个英语老师所带领的阿里巴巴已然成为了很多人眼中的创业神话。 但在这个过程里究竟有多少耐人寻味的故事?所谓的传奇里蕴含着多少复杂的味道? 本片首次曝光了16年来影响阿里巴巴发展历程的珍贵影像,阿里早期创始人及合伙人亲身讲述这个故事背后的五味杂陈。
My Name is Simon,Simon Templar The Saint was a long-running ITC mystery spy thriller, airing in Britain on ITV between 1962 and 1969. It centered on the Leslie Charteris literary character, Simon Templar—a Robin Hood-like adventurer with a penchant for disguise. Because of the strong American performance of the initial black-and-white seasons in first-run syndication, NBC picked up the show as a summer replacement on its evening schedule in 1966. Thus, the programme ended its run with both trans-Atlantic prime time scheduling and colour episodes. It also proved popular beyond America and Britain, eventually premiering in over 60 countries. With almost 120 episodes, the programme is exceeded only by The Avengers as the most productive show of its genre produced in Britain. SEASON 1 (1962) B/W # 1- 1 The Talented Husband # 1- 2 The Latin Touch # 1- 3 The Careful Terrorist # 1- 4 The Covetous Headsman # 1- 5 The Loaded Tourist # 1- 6 The Pearls of Peace # 1- 7 The Arrow of God # 1- 8 The Element of Doubt # 1- 9 The Effete Angler # 1-10 The Golden Journey # 1-11 The Man Who Was Lucky # 1-12 The Charitable Countess . SEASON 2 (1963) B/W # 2- 1 The Fellow Traveller # 2- 2 Starring the Saint # 2- 3 Judith # 2- 4 Teresa # 2- 5 The Elusive Ellshaw # 2- 6 Marcia # 2- 7 The Work of Art # 2- 8 Iris # 2- 9 The King of the Beggars # 2-10 The Rough Diamonds # 2-11 The Saint Plays With Fire # 2-12 The Well Meaning Mayor # 2-13 The Sporting Chance # 2-14 The Bunco Artists # 2-15 The Benevolent Burglary # 2-16 The Wonderful War # 2-17 The Noble Sportsman # 2-18 The Romantic Matron # 2-19 Luella # 2-20 The Lawless Lady # 2-21 The Good Medicine # 2-22 The Invisible Millionaire # 2-23 The High Fence # 2-24 Sophia # 2-25 The Gentle Ladies # 2-26 The Ever-Loving Spouse # 2-27 The Saint Sees it through . SEASON 3 (1964) B/W # 3- 1 The Miracle Tea Party # 3- 2 Lida # 3- 3 Jeannine # 3- 4 The Scorpion # 3- 5 The Revolution Racket # 3- 6 The Saint Steps In # 3- 7 The Loving Brothers # 3- 8 The Man Who Liked Toys # 3- 9 The Death Penalty # 3-10 The Imprudent Politician # 3-11 The Hi-Jackers # 3-12 The Unkind Philanthropist # 3-13 The Damsel in Distress # 3-14 The Contract # 3-15 The Set-Up # 3-16 The Rhine Maiden # 3-17 The Inescapable Word # 3-18 The Sign of the Claw # 3-19 The Golden Frog # 3-20 The Frightened Inn-Keeper # 3-21 Sibao # 3-22 The Crime of the Century # 3-23 The Happy Suicide . SEASON 4 (1965) B/W # 4- 1 The Checkered Flag # 4- 2 The Abductors # 4- 3 The Crooked Ring # 4- 4 The Smart Detective # 4- 5 The Persistent Parasites # 4- 6 The Man Who Could Not Die # 4- 7 The Saint Bids Diamonds # 4- 8 The Spanish Cow # 4- 9 The Old Treasure Story . SEASON 5 (1966) colour # 5- 1 The Queen's Ransom # 5- 2 Interlude in Venice # 5- 3 The Russian Prisoner # 5- 4 The Reluctant Revolution # 5- 5 The Helpful Pirate # 5- 6 The Convenient Monster # 5- 7 The Angel's Eye # 5- 8 The Man Who Liked Lions # 5- 9 The Better Mousetrap # 5-10 Little Girl Lost # 5-11 Paper Chase # 5-12 Locate and Destroy # 5-13 Flight Plan # 5-14 Escape Route # 5-15 The Persistent Patriots # 5-16 The Fast Women # 5-17 The Death Game # 5-18 The Art Collectors # 5-19 To Kill a Saint # 5-20 The Counterfeit Countess # 5-21 Simon and Delilah # 5-22 Island of Chance # 5-23 The Gadget Lovers # 5-24 A Double in Diamonds # 5-25 The Power Artists # 5-26 When Spring is Sprung . SEASON 6 (1968) colour # 6- 1 The Gadic Collection # 6- 2 The Best Laid Schemes # 6- 3 Invitation to Danger # 6- 4 Legacy for the Saint # 6- 5 The Desperate Diplomat # 6- 6 The Organisation Man # 6- 7 The Double Take # 6- 8 The Time to Die # 6- 9 The Master Plan # 6-10 The House on Dragon's Rock # 6-11 The Scales of Justice # 6-12 The Fiction Makers (1) # 6-13 The Fiction Makers (2) # 6-14 The People Importers # 6-15 Where the Money Is # 6-16 Vendetta for the Saint (1) # 6-17 Vendetta for the Saint (2) # 6-18 The Ex-King of Diamonds # 6-19 The Man Who Gambled with Life # 6-20 Portrait of Brenda # 6-21 The World Beater
隐居深山老林的蒲松龄(成龙 饰)不仅是一名文采飞扬的文学家,更是一个身怀绝技的捉妖高手。在某次珠宝盗窃案中,蒲松龄和金华县菜鸟捕快严飞(林柏宏 饰)结识。在此之后,被衙门提出来的严飞找上山来,死乞白赖要拜蒲松龄为师。适值此时,金华县初县令(潘长江 饰)的独女被女妖聂小倩(钟楚曦 饰)摄走,中途虽有法师宁采臣(阮经天 饰)阻拦,但是小姐却下落不明。得知此讯,蒲松龄带着严飞和一众早已收伏的小妖下山捉妖,结果遭遇小倩的姐姐镜妖(林鹏 饰)阻挠。 一番混战过后,虽然镜妖被除,但是宁采臣和聂小倩之间仍有一段宿缘未了……
杰克(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)和卡雅(朱迪·特纳-史密斯 Jodie Turner-Smith 饰)收养了名叫米卡的华裔小姑娘,为了米卡能够接触属于自己种族的文化,杰克购买了仿生机器人杨(贾斯汀·闵 Justin H. Min 饰)。之后,杨成了米卡最好也是最信赖的朋友,同时也成为了这个家庭里不可或缺的一份子。 随着时间的推移,米卡渐渐长大,而杨也因为零件老化等问题,机能发生了故障。杰克想要找人修好杨,但因为杨是一款“二手”的机器人,所以自然没有任何的售后保障。杰克通过特殊的手段获得了记录了杨自出厂以来全部记忆的内存条,在播放这些画面的过程中,杰克发现了杨的一些不为人知的记忆。
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