The main character, a young surgeon (avid consumer of red apples), excellent professional, inflexible with respect for moral norms, are in a constant struggle with indifference and ignorance of his fellow men, with their littleness of soul, the director of the hospital obtuseness and careerism. Red Apples exactly expresses the conflict between talent, professional dedication, respect the Hippocratic Oath, the protagonist came face to face with mediocrity, sufficiency and careerism of brothers who, at any cost, want to move into professional and social ladder. Rise young doctor Mitica Herod assigned to a provincial hospital, the doctor makes Mitroi prototype capped professional character, to see jeopardized the director of the hospital. Mitica (enthusiastic, charismatic and convincing in the role of actor Mircea Diaconu) makes no promises in relation to his superior, which always reminds him of his mission, the function they represent. Ignore the so-called "social conveniences" and not promising in addressing hospital and patients. Well-meaning and lucid, ready for personal sacrifices, he believes that the world has only one real enemy: death, which, unfortunately, it always fails defeat. "I was preoccupied, primarily, grammatical problems of the profession. It is true, perhaps the film has a kind of enthusiasm that I have not found then. I wanted to be a human story and I think it came out as such. and that is true not consider it a merit, but a prerequisite. I never wanted to do "red Apples" true or less true. I did as I felt. "Alexander Tatos
In the future, humans are divided into Sex Negatives and Sex Positives. The negatives get sick if they have sex so they go to Cafe Flesh to see positives who are forced to perform on stage for the negatives. Lana is a positive who everyone thinks is a negative and she must decide whether to come clean or not.
拖着久病不堪的身子、带着事隔二十年的仇怨,蓝玉山和女儿蓝蝴蝶回到了地处陕北高原的沙河镇。二十年过去了,当年杀妻夺子的仇人吴子雄凭借其在沙河一带开设的灵芝堂药铺,如今已是富甲一方的贵人。在第一次夜袭吴子雄未果后,蓝蝴蝶把爹安顿在沙河镇外一间破败的土坯房里,一边养伤治病,一边伺机再来。 蓝玉山的出现让吴子雄坐卧不安的同时,二十年前的一段往事又重新浮现在自己的眼前。二十年前,为了在老太爷面前显示传后的烟火,吴子雄把蓝玉山的儿子抢进府中后,将蓝玉山的妻子推下了深井。而当晚蓝玉山夜闯吴府,却错把吴子雄的女儿抱走。当年被抢回来并取名天赐的儿子,如今已是青春年少、一表人才。刚刚在西州医专毕业的天赐又接到了公派去法国留学的通知。 带着父亲的期望,天赐上路了。在中途借宿客栈时,天赐无意间走进了蓝蝴蝶和爹藏身的土坯房。蓝玉山的病情和蓝蝴蝶的纯情美貌让天赐在客栈里一拖再拖。短短的几天时间,情笃初开却又不明身世的天赐和蓝蝴蝶私订终身。消息传到吴子雄的耳朵里后,为了尽快解决天赐的婚事,吴子雄决定把西萍太太的娘家侄女月蓉许配给天赐。新婚之夜,都有自己心上人的天赐和月蓉双双溜出洞房。 天赐的出逃和蓝蝴蝶的身世大白让吴子雄采纳了西萍太太的建议,干脆化干戈为玉帛,同意天赐与蓝蝴蝶的婚事,还能趁机找回失散二十年的亲身女儿。在西萍太太的和解下,伤病痊愈的蓝玉山把女儿穿戴一新,用花轿抬进了吴府大院。然而,各怀戒备之心的一对冤家仇人最终还是不惜以牺牲儿女幸福为代价,在枪声大作中了结了一段二十年的恩怨。
In 1983 before the giant Suvarnabhumi international airport was built, the neglected and unoccupied area was called "King Cobra Swamp" by the locals. As building commenced, a huge old Banyan tree blocked the constructions path. A work crew call in a mechanical digger to remove the tree. As the roots are torn from the ground 1000s of cobra bones explode from the earth tearing th...
本片是布努艾尔与墨西哥女演员希尔维亚·比那尔(Silvia Pinal)合作,由比那尔的丈夫古斯塔沃·阿拉特里斯特(Gustavo Alatriste)出资制片的三部曲中的第二部。故事从一场盛大的晚宴开始。诺比尔夫妇在家款待朋友,可正当客人驾到之时,厨师和仆人却突然离去,只有管家胡里奥(克劳迪奥·布鲁克 Claudio Brook 饰)留下。宴席过后众宾客在起居室欣赏来宾之一演奏钢琴,但结束后竟无人打算离去。众人和衣在屋中睡下,清早醒来发现依然无人能够离开,只要一走到门口,便心生留意。一行人神秘被困数天,屋外的人也无法进入。被饥饿、干渴、疲乏和恐惧笼罩的这些上层社会男女们开始不顾身份地位地争吵、哭泣、动粗,甚至威胁要杀掉主人,破除“魔咒”…… 本片获1962年法国嘎纳电影节金棕榈奖提名。
远离伊斯坦布尔的安纳托利亚,业已退休的戏剧演员艾登(Haluk Bilginer 饰)以专栏作家的身份展开了新的人生。他故作关心地日复一日撰写宗教类的文章,沉浸陶醉在自我所营造的看似深刻的思考世界里无法自拔。艾登用退休金经营一家旅馆,名下还有多处正在出租的房产,在与普通民众的接触过程中让他看起来多了一份虚伪和冰冷。妹妹尼卡(Demet Akbag 饰)早年离婚,经常蜷缩在艾登的书房内针对写作而争论,甚至彼此嘲讽攻讦。他的妻子尼哈尔(Melisa S?zen 饰)年轻独立,热衷各种公益事业。聚少离多且人生态度迥异的老夫少妻渐行渐远,感情出现裂痕…… 本片荣获2014年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。
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