Will Penny, an aging cowpoke, takes a job on a ranch which requires him to ride the line of the property looking for trespassers or, worse, squatters. He finds that his cabin in the high mountains has been appropriated by a woman whose guide to Oregon has deserted her and her son. Too ashamed to kick mother and child out just as the bitter winter of the mountains sets in, he ag...
财洙(金永灿 饰)的父亲(柳丞勇 饰)是一名皮条客,因此,财洙家中进进出出的,总是一些浓妆艳抹不怀好意的女人们。虽然年幼的财洙并不太清楚父亲和这些女人们从事的究竟是哪一个行当,但直觉和本能让财洙对她们有着深深的厌恶。 某日,财洙的家中又来了一个女人(金惠秀 饰),财洙掐指一算,这已经是第十一个了。然而,财洙敏感的察觉到,这个沉默寡言只会望着天花板发呆的女人似乎和之前那些女人有一些本质上的差别。就这样,财洙的生活中多了一个需要照顾的人,而当父亲将火气通过拳脚发泄到他和这个女人身上时,财洙亦学会了张开臂膀,以一个男子汉的身份保护女人。随着时间的推移,母子情谊渐渐在两个善良的人之间产生了。
This 1975's original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women. A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin (a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle), is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels. While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting. Once he is invited but im... (展开全部) This 1975's original sexual comedy by the director Joël Séria is full of unexpected situations between a man and women. A salesman of umbrellas, Henri Serin (a magnificent Jean-Pierre Marielle), is having sex with all the women of which he paints a portrait and which he encounters during his travels. While one is cooking in her kitchen, he is painting. Once he is invited but immediately expelled when he wants to unfold her traditional ribbon. Henri Serin falls for a very young woman which he can seduce while making a portrait of her. His only friend is a modernist priest (Romain Bouteille) who likes to talk with him in the local bar. Henri Serin does not think of tomorrow and lives "la vie d'artiste". Life is beautiful and sex is life.
讲述一场即将上演的舞台剧受疫情影响而中止运作,在封闭期间,演员们也尽最大努力继续排练。 本剧的制作团队遵循政府关于新冠疫情的最新方针,采用了自拍和视频会议技术,以确保制作安全可靠。
《高塔公主》(英语:Single Ladies Senior),2018年东森电视自制戏剧系列之第十二部作品。由孟耿如、莫允雯、郑茵声、王牧语、田中千绘、周群达、王家梁、利晴天领衔主演。本剧描述不婚女性的故事,接档《狮子王强大》。
ONE~光輝的季節~ True Stories 1 ONE~輝く季節へ~ True Stories EPISODE 1
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