周小饼(林楷 饰)是一家保洁公司的员工,与两个损友屁屁龙(顾又铭 饰)和汪叔(万力 饰)负责写字楼里的清洁工作。周小饼一直就有一个“明星梦”,希望能有一天自己是舞台上的歌王。但现实却是残酷的,虽然参加了不少的歌唱比赛,但都因长相丑陋,形象有缺陷而遭到评委们的拒绝和嘲讽。 然而,在很偶然的一天,周小饼吃到一包神奇的朱古力,瞬间变成了另外一个人,这个人叫金辰武(陈玺安 饰),帅气十足。还不知道自己外表大变化的他继续着清洁工的工作,在工作期间巧然的被经纪人寇尼(刘永健 饰)看中,挖他去参加比赛,并规则好各个评委均以周小饼为冠军。 周小饼一直就有一位仰慕的偶像,她叫Eva(赵硕之 饰),成名后的周小饼和Eva相识,而Eva也因周小饼变身金辰武帅气的外表和完美的歌声吸引,慢慢对他的感觉发生了微妙变化。 渐渐的周小饼因为金辰武这个身份获得了很多赞赏和支持,光芒四射的他感觉到自己已经高高在上,对一些浮华的生活就变得越来越贪婪。但一次偶遇中,一个女孩(念贤儿 饰)的一段话清洗了他虚荣的头脑,是做回原来的自己还是继续以别人的身份生活?周小饼决定了自己最后的命运道路……
Quinn, A Painter & Bartender wakes up one morning with a gun in his hand & his girlfriend dead on the floor... He has 2 different choices he can make, each with their own set of consequences... Either call 911 and clean this mess up or don't call anybody and clean it up himself... Only problem is in his state of mind he can't tell which one is right & which is wrong!
如日中天的华盛顿年轻议员史蒂文•柯林斯(本•阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)的女助手研究员突然遇害,柯林斯在针对军火商峰点公司的国会听证会上一时失态,致使婚外情曝光,成为众矢之的,只好跑去大学好友兼昔日竞选顾问,《华盛顿环球报》的资深记者卡尔•麦卡弗里(罗素•克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)家暂避。麦卡弗里在调查一起凶杀案的过程中偶然发现死者竟与柯林斯的已故女助手研究员有关。在同事德拉(瑞秋•迈克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)的帮助下,随着麦卡弗里的调查一步步深入,峰点公司内幕与国会议员的丑闻纷纷曝光。麦卡弗里面对新闻竞争、事件真相、昔日友情与社会公正的多股力量,最后报道究竟何去何从?
Cheaper by the Dozen, a reimagining of the hit comedy from “Blackish” producer Kenya Barris, will debut on DisneyPlus in 2022. The story centers on a blended family of 12, navigating a hectic home life and their family business. Gabrielle Union is set to star.
网络剧《劣人传之诡计》为一悬疑惊悚之戏剧,由李宗霖、郭书瑶、陈芷妧、陈映蓁、陈慕领衔主演,本剧探讨人性之中的劣根性及黑暗面,具警世意涵、惊悚指数破表。 故事讲述了庄炜翔毕业后事业正起步,一切看似充满机会,直到有一天接到小学同学世明的死亡通知书,让他想起人生中最不愿意想起的那一段回忆……
Set in the scenic Sila plateau in Italy’s Southern Calabria region, “Home Education” revolves around a family that are followers of an esoteric cult and live in a secluded house deep in the woods.
BBC One today announces that Sir David Attenborough is to present A Perfect Planet, a brand new five-part natural history super-landmark from Silverback Films.David Attenborough said Oceans, sunlight, weather and volcanoes - together these powerful yet fragile forces allow life to flourish in astonishing diversity. They make Earth truly unique - a perfect planet. Our planet is one in a billion, a world teeming with life. But now, a new dominant force is changing the face of Earth humans. To preserve our perfect planet we must ensure we become a force for good.Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, says BBC One continues to lead the way in natural history programming, and I’m thrilled that Sir David Attenborough will be our trusted guide to A Perfect Planet. It will be a breathtaking series celebrating the intricate systems that allow our planet to thrive, bringing together a unique perspective with groundbreaking camera technology.Nancy Daniels, Chief Brand Officer, Discovery, says We at Discovery are proud to be a part of A Perfect Planet. With Sir David Attenborough leading the journey, audiences will be in awe of our world and the perfect conditions that created it, and will be reminded what we need to do to preserve it.Planet Earth is perfect. It orbits at the perfect distance from the sun; it tilts at just the right angle and has a decent sized moon to hold it in place. On top of that, the day-to-day workings of the planet naturally serve to nurture animals and plants. For instance, a global weather system circulates and distributes fresh water to all corners, and a cycle of marine currents delivers nutrients to even the deepest reaches of the ocean. As a result, there is literally no corner of our planet where life can’t be found.A Perfect Planet - in a unique fusion of blue chip natural history and earth sciences - explains how the living planet operates. This five-part series will show how the forces of nature - weather, ocean currents, solar energy and volcanoes - drive, shape and support Earth’s great diversity of life. In doing so, it will reveal how animals are perfectly adapted to whatever the environment throws at them.From the white wolves of Ellesemere Island to bears in Kamchatka, vampire finches of the Galapagos to golden snub-nosed monkeys of China, the series will combine a global view of the planet from space with intimate animal stories from the most spectacular habitats. From the Indian Monsoon to Hawaiian volcanoes, tidal islands of the Bahamas to the extremes of the Arctic winter, A Perfect Planet will take the audience on a stunning visual journey that will change the way we see our home.The final episode in the series looks at the dramatic impact of the world’s newest global force of nature - humans.A Perfect Planet, a 5x60’ for BBC One, is a Silverback Films Production for BBC and Discovery, co-produced with Tencent Penguin Pictures, ZDF, China Media Group CCTV9, France Televisions and The Open University.The Executive Producer is Alastair Fothergill, and the Series Producer is Huw Cordey. It was commissioned by Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, and Jack Bootle, Head of Commissioning, Natural History and Science. It will tx on BBC One and Discovery later this year.
一名男子在他的公寓里被杀害了,警方在调查中发现死者乃是运动中心的富豪,现场唯一的线索是AB型男子的毛发。在调查中,怀疑的第一个对象是酒吧女,因为她曾在案发前给死者拨过电话。警员赵京尹(金康宇 Kang-woo Kim 饰)前去调查取样。然而,京尹却从同事口中得知,情况另有变化。大家开始怀疑死者与游泳中心教练是同性恋。不过随后,这个犯罪嫌疑人也惨遭杀害。警员们开始怀疑是连环杀人案与死者服兵役的经历有关。与京尹一同调查的警员朴恩珠(金敏善 Min-sun Kim 饰)是他的警校同学,虽有假小子作风,内心却渴望被呵护,而且暗恋的对象便是京尹。不过,京尹却面临更复杂的感情选择,他有固定的女友,也有藕断丝连的情人。随着抽丝剥茧,京尹发现此案隐藏着一段童年的往事……
具有特殊能力的一群变种人组成了一个维护世界的小组——X战警小队。成员包括能吸收对方能力的淘气、双眼能放致命射线的镭射眼(詹姆斯·麦斯登(James Marsden饰)、能随意控制气候的暴风女(哈莉·贝瑞 Halle Berry 饰)、具有隔空取物和心电感应能力的琴葛蕾(法米克·詹森 Famke Janssen 饰)…… 不久,金刚狼(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)也出现了。不过金钢狼脾气暴躁、独来独往,X战警小队想极力拉拢他加入队伍,无奈孤傲的金钢狼一时也没有答应。与此同时,能控制一切金属的万磁王此时也在极力拉拢金钢狼,X战警小队不仅要费尽心思对付万磁王,还要小心亦正亦邪的金钢狼。他们能否取得最后的胜利?
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