一个电视制片人与Max和Caroline进行接洽……他们要在两人的蛋糕店橱窗前拍摄一集热门真人秀《Keeping Up With The Kardashians》!对两个女孩来说,拥有2400万微博追随者的Kim Kardashian West是她们提升蛋糕店人气的绝佳机会。
德国二战题材影片。影片根据真实故事改编,讲述了一名十九岁的普通国防兵威利赫罗德在二战最后两周内成为所谓的“埃姆斯兰德刽子手”的故事。他凭借捡到的上尉制服而假冒军官,将溃散的其他士兵聚集起来组成特别任务小组,一路抢掠地在行将陷落的纳粹帝国大地上为所欲为,并以元首为榜样掌握起逮捕和生杀大权。 该片获得了去年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节的最佳摄影奖。
Two scientists are selected to travel across the universe to the source of a distant transmission and potential life.
根据德国民间传说改编的童话电影. Snow-White and Rose-Red (German Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot) is a German fairy tale. The best-known version is the one collected by the Brothers Grimm as tale number 161. It is Aarne-Thompson type 426, the two girls, the bear, and the dwarf. An older, somewhat shorter version, The Ungrateful Dwarf, was written by Caroline Stahl; this in fact appears to be the oldest variant of the tale, as there are no known previous oral versions, although several have been collected since its publication. The oral variants of this tale are very limited in area. It is not to be confused with the Grimm fairy tale Snow White (which is written Schneewittchen in German, rather than Schneeweißchen) that provided the basis for the Walt Disney film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; this is a completely different character, and she has nothing in common with the other one, other than sharing her name.
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