The indomitable DCI Vera Stanhope, assisted by her trusted colleague, DS Joe Ashworth, steps up for another series of challenging cases. She investigates the mysterious death of a pensioner on a busy commuter train (On Harbour Street), unearths a thirty year mystery after a brutal murder on the sands of a seaside resort (Protected), unpicks the tragic last months of a failed novelist gunned down on a remote Northumberland moor (The Deer Hunters), and delves into the tangled life of a businessman found floating in the water under the Gateshead Millennium Bridge (Death of a Family Man). Inspired by the novels written by renowned crime writer Ann Cleeves, and filmed against a backdrop of outstanding Northumberland landscapes and atmospheric production, each enthralling story is enhanced by the captivating performance of Brenda Blethyn as this shambolic yet brilliant detective.
现每周三晚10点在以色列Yes TV播出,今年稍后会上架Netflix。
Three women in a small village conceal dark secrets, including unholy alliances and a mysterious ingredient used in a popular curry restaurant.
「……我没有名字。一片空无。你叫什么名字?」「我的名字是时崎狂三。」 失忆少女「空无」在所谓邻界之地清醒,邂逅了时崎狂三。 她跟着狂三来到一所学校,里面聚集了一群被称为准精灵的少女。 为了互相厮杀而齐聚一堂的十名少女,以及空空如也的校外人士少女。 「我是狂三的同伴兼诱饵……诱饵吗!」「是啊,不想当诱饵的话,虏饵也行。」 「不是一样的意思吗!」这是独树一格的时崎狂三另类故事。 好了——开始我们的新战争(DATE)吧
阿梅莉亚·萨克斯即将嫁入楠塔基特岛最富有的家族之一。她的未来婆婆是著名小说家格里尔·加里森·温伯里,她对这桩婚事颇有微词,但依然不惜重金筹划这场本季最隆重的婚礼 — 直到一具尸体出现在海滩上。随着秘密...
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