Follows the journey of Clémence and her kitty, Rroû, as they leave Paris to spend the holidays in the countryside. While there, Rroû enjoys the wildlife and befriends Câline, a white kitten who prowls in the woods.
《KungFury》(中译名《功之怒》)是一部以80年代警匪片为背景,并包含了功夫、机器人、恐龙、纳粹、雷神、维京海盗、时空穿越、80年代电子游戏、80年代动作片、变种犀牛人等等等等元素于一体的名副其实的神片。众多的复古元素、高大上的特效、合不拢的脑洞和全程高能,好听到爆的80年代电子音乐,绝对让你在看完预告片后欲罢不能。 本片是David Sandberg自导自演的一部短片,2013年12月他在Kickstarter上发起集资,集资目标是20万美元,最终筹集到630,019美元, 但因为没有达到100万美元的长片集资目标,所以最后选择制作成30分钟的短片。
守寡18年的杜如玉一心想将四个女儿嫁进好人家,为此,她咬紧牙关,顶着巨大的经济压力在京城买了一套宅子,好让女儿们都能有一桩门(非)当(富)户(即)对(贵)的姻缘。 结果,金龟婿一个没来,莫名其妙的年轻人却接二连三地闯入她们的生活:懦弱的武二代路不平、 愚蠢却嚣张的王府世子、不会察言观色但天性善良的四皇子和浑身正能量却一直在做坏事的李腾云, 这些人杜如玉没有一个看得上的,但他们却与自己的女儿们越走越近了
Popular sexy actress Miyuki Yokoyama starring poetic justice drama . Nun of Anna , to dispose of the target in the priest – Ohara of instruction killer . She has a fierce past that is not revealed only in Ohara , you give up the happiness of as a woman , but had decided prepared to live as killers.
在一个晴朗明媚的日子里,自称废柴的学生君逆回十六夜(浅沼晋太郎 配音)、温柔善良爱护小动物的春日部耀(中岛爱 配音)以及高傲自大的大小姐久远飞鸟(布里德卡特?塞拉?惠美 配音)各自收到一封邀请函,信中说道:“告知烦恼众多、拥有异能的少男少女,如果期望一试自己的才能,那么就抛弃世上的一切,到我等的‘箱庭’来”。原来他们三人均为拥有超能力的问题儿童。似乎接受了邀请,他们被抛入风景秀美的箱庭世界,并遇见说明人黑兔(野水伊织 配音)。十六夜他们得知,必须运用天赐的特异功能在箱庭进行难度不等的神魔游戏。不按常理出牌的主人公以及藏着无数秘密的箱庭,一切变得好玩起来…… 本片根据竜ノ湖太郎(文)、天之有(插画)的原作改编。
In the midst of the impassable landscape at the foot of the Alps, a young group of serious offenders is undergoing an experiential educational program intended to rehabilitate them. All of a sudden, a member of the program dies a violent death. Nobody knows exactly what happened, and the youths face a difficult decision. Should they wait for the authorities to recover the body and investigate the crime? Or, escape and take their fate into their own hands? The group doesn't have much in common with each other, though one thing unites them; all of them have had really bad experiences with the authorities and don‘t expect to be treated fairly. Since they don't know who the perpetrator is, they only have one option: to run. Up the mountains, up the highest peaks of the Alps. It seems hopeless until they stumble onto a complex cave system where they can find shelter from wind, weather, and their pursuers. In their fight against the forces of nature, they form their own society, according to their own rules: the Wild Republic.
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